Some text some message..

Vertical concepts

In each of my works one or more vertical signs are carved or imprinted. Even in the first abstract realizations, when I had not yet become aware of the definition of "Vertical Concepts", and only in a couple of cases, in two works of 1992 and 1993, the term "Vertical Concept" appears almost casually and then again to disappear. Only later on in the years is consolidated the title dedicated to each work as "Vertical Concepts", precisely by virtue of those signs that from that moment come from me included in their nature and existence. They are vertical signs that come from outside the canvas and rise upwards, others recline in the center of it, others still cross it completely, always vertically. Only in very rare cases these same signs were engraved horizontally. Vertical Concept is my poetry and my soul. It is an intrinsic part of me, of my feeling and interpreting realities and emotions. Once the canvas is ready but without any sign, the moment of reflection arrives. Where will they come from and where will I track, dig or draw my "Vertical Concepts?" I listen to my instincts and reflect. I let the tension run away and I relax watching the surface. And that's when the sign takes space. It comes alive in a precise point of the work. His world is the canvas, the table the cardboard where he finds living space. Vertical. In a society that runs frantically towards an increasingly uncertain future, which makes us unstable and stressed, in search of certainties, here is a vertical stretch imposed before my eyes. Instability finds a firm, self-confident sign. A sign that brings us a strong and courageous message, which extends upwards in its absolute certainty of being unique and consistent.
Vertical concepts